~ Project Pages and Instructions ~




At this point you should have everything assembled, sketch uploaded, toast buttered, and scales are appropriately connected to your shield and MCU.

If you have not yet installed the TouchDRO app on your Android device, you need to do so now. For instructions on setting up the app, please refer to the TouchDRO website. There you will find all of the instructions for connecting to your controller by Bluetooth and getting everything configured on your Android device.


The purpose of this step is to test for proper operation of your new Arduino and shield when connected to your scales. You will also be testing for correct scale versions and settings. These instructions assume that you have your scales installed on a mill. If they are installed on a lathe or other machine, adjust the instructions accordingly. Once you get through these steps it will all make a little more sense.

PLEASE NOTE: TouchDRO will display a decimal number for each axis during this test. It will NOT display the distance moved by the table, but will display a number relative to the counts delivered by the scale in one inch of travel. Once testing and calibration are complete, then you will start to see actual distance travelled.

Once you have your scales enabled in TouchDRO, be sure to set the CPI for each scale to 10000. This is done in the settings area of TouchDRO.

You will now test each scale, one at a time, starting with the X axis.

  1. Zero the dial on the lead screw for the X axis and zero the readouts in TouchDRO.

  2. Move the table exactly 1" as shown by the dial.

  3. Make note of the X reading in TouchDRO and write it in the 'TEST RESULT' column of that nice little chart you made back on the Basics page. You did make that chart, didn't you?

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for your Y, Z, and W scales, if you have them.

Now we are ready to compare the results and see if we have everything set correctly.


X 20" 18.125" 4.3 .2590 4.3
Y 11" 9.625" 3.1 .7760 3.1
Z 12" 10.250" 3.1 .2588 4.3
W 6" 4.005" 3.1 .7763 3.1





   Version mismatch on Z axis!! 


In this case, it appears that the scale used on the Z axis was originally over 18" long and was cut down to be used on the mill knee. Because this can potentially occur, we perform the version verification test to make certain that nothing like this slips by!




At this point, everything should hopefully be working correctly. Regrettably, a few of you may experience....


So some of you might be saying that everything is NOT working correctly.

That could be a bit of a problem...  hmmmmm.

This is the section that many would call "Troubleshooting" but we don't get to shoot anything, so why would we call it that?

All humor aside, if you are here right now you are probably feeling a bit frustrated...  make that a LOT frustrated, and we can understand that. Thankfully, we have help for you, all you have to do is click below and follow the instructions presented to you. As you go through those steps, some of them may seem repetitive, but following each step is necessary to be certain that no stone is left unturned.

Go to the Troubleshooting page



You will need to make some adjustments and calibrate your scales by following the procedures set forth in the calibration instructions at the TouchDRO site located HERE. TouchDRO will display distance moved correctly only after the calibration steps are complete.

As a guide only, your CPI numbers should end up close to the following but not necessarily exactly the same. Using these numbers blindly will result in poor accuracy for your DRO. They are here only as a rough guide.

Version 3.1 scales use a CPI of about 7760

Version 4.3 scales use a CPI of about 2590


The more time you take with your calibration process, the more accurate your DRO will be.

Once you have completed the calibration process, please remember to come back here for the final test.



Once your scales are properly calibrated, you should perform a full travel test of each axis. Move to one stop, zero the readout in TouchDRO, then move all the way to the other stop. Make a note of the total distance travelled. Be aware that it will be very close to the original distance that you recorded in your chart, but will probably not be exactly the same. Don't worry, that is expected. 

If it is way off, please log a support request so that we can investigate the problem. Since this is our first release version, there is the remote possibility that there may be a problem lurking out there in machinist land that we have not yet encountered with our limited resources. If something like this occurs, please contact us as your help will be invaluable in resolving the issue.



One more thing: Do not waste your time trying to make TouchDRO work on a laptop or desktop computer by using an Android emulator such as Blue Stacks. It will not work due to issues with Bluetooth connectivity on the computer. We don't know why but suspect the reason has been covered up by the same people that hid the truth about the JFK assassination. Yes, we've tried it, and Blue Stacks will NOT work. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt, no need to go back there.


Once your scales are all working correctly and have been properly calibrated, please click here.


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Page updated on Sunday, December 27, 2020