~ Project Pages and Instructions ~



Page updated on Sunday, December 27, 2020

While it is sad that you ended up here, we understand that folks have some trouble once in a while. Hopefully the directions on this page will help you resolve your problem. Things could be much worse however. At least you aren't the guy dragging around a wooden cart, banging on a drum, and calling out "Bring out your dead!"

Keep in mind that the steps here assume that the problem is related to incorrect settings, and not a physical problem with your shield or wiring. This page will ask you multiple choice questions and will direct you to corrective steps based on your answers.

Before starting, launch the TouchDRO app.

Go to Settings and find 'Set Readout Display Format'. 

Set it to 0.0000 in./00.000 mm  

We need to be able to see four digits after the decimal point for these steps.

Now, is your problem with just one scale, or more than one? (Select one)

        One Scale      Multiple Scales

































You selected one scale.

Which axis has the problem? (Select one)  

        X    Y    Z    W

































You selected multiple scales.

Because of that, we will start with X, which is a required scale, and MUST be connected and enabled. Due to that requirement we will check it first.

When you finish with the X axis, and you are asked if you have more scales to troubleshoot, select YES and then select the next scale.

Be sure to visit each one (X,Y,Z,W in that order) for all of the scales that you have.

           Click here to start.































X axis   

1. Verify that the X axis has been enabled in the settings of the TouchDRO applet.

2. Also make sure that the CPI setting is set to 10,000.

3. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
4. Now, move the X axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

5. You will see a number appear in the display for the X axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in 
Neither range








































X axis retest.

1. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
2. Now, move the X axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

3. You will see a number appear in the display for the X axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in  Neither range
































The X scale is v4.3 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define X_VER_31 
Is it set to 0 or 1?

































#define X_VER_31 is set to 0 which is correct for v4.3   

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct.  




































#define X_VER_31 is set to 1 which is not correct. 

Change the 1 to a 0 (zero) then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 








































The X scale is v3.1 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define X_VER_31  
Is it set to 0 or 1?



































#define X_VER_31 is set to 0 which is not correct for v3.1  

Change the 0 to a 1 then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 




























#define X_VER_31 is set to 1 which is correct for v3.1  

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct. 










































The X scale version is not yet verified, but there is another problem that must be resolved first. 

1. Recheck and verify the TouchDRO setting for CPI for the X axis. It should be set to 10,000

2. Open up the Arduino sketch and find this line:  #define X_ENABLED 

      Is it set to a 0 or is it set to 1?














































#define X_ENABLED_ is set to 0 (zero) which is not correct and the system cannot function correctly at all.

1. This setting must be 1 even if the X axis is not used.

2. Change the setting to 1 then save the changes and upload them to the MCU. 

3. Note that you should use this axis no matter what. If you are using it for the Y axis instead, that is fine. You can relabel it in TouchDRO as the Y axis.

4. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

5. Now you may
retest the X axis































#define X_ENABLED_ is set to 1 which is correct. 
1. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

2. Now you may
retest the X axis





























X axis testing is complete.

All of the settings are correct and the X axis should work properly.









































Y axis    

1. Verify that the Y axis has been enabled in the settings of the TouchDRO applet.

2. Also make sure that the CPI setting is set to 10,000.

3. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
4. Now, move the Y axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

5. You will see a number appear in the display for the Y axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in 
Neither range




































Y axis retest.

1. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
2. Now, move the Y axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

3. You will see a number appear in the display for the Y axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in  Neither range































The Y scale is v4.3 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define Y_VER_31 
Is it set to 0 or 1?






























#define Y_VER_31 is set to 0 which is correct for v4.3   

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct.  

































#define Y_VER_31 is set to 1 which is not correct. 

Change the 1 to a 0 (zero) then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 
































The Y scale is v3.1 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define Y_VER_31  
Is it set to 0 or 1?






























#define Y_VER_31 is set to 0 which is not correct for v3.1  

Change the 0 to a 1 then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 


































#define Y_VER_31 is set to 1 which is correct for v3.1  

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct. 
























The Y scale version is not yet verified, but there is another problem that must be resolved first. 

1. Recheck and verify the TouchDRO setting for CPI for the Y axis. It should be set to 10,000

2. Open up the Arduino sketch and find this line:  #define Y_ENABLED 

      Is it set to a 0 or is it set to 1?
































#define Y_ENABLED_ is set to 0 (zero) which is not correct.

1. Change the setting to 1 then save the changes and upload them to the MCU. 

2. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

3. Now you may
retest the Y axis




























#define Y_ENABLED_ is set to 1 which is correct. 
1. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

2. Now you may
retest the Y axis



















Y axis testing is complete.

All of the settings are correct and the Y axis should work properly.












































Z axis  

1. Verify that the Z axis has been enabled in the settings of the TouchDRO applet.

2. Also make sure that the CPI setting is set to 10,000.

3. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
4. Now, move the Z axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

5. You will see a number appear in the display for the Z axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in 
Neither range









































Z axis retest.

1. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
2. Now, move the Z axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

3. You will see a number appear in the display for the Z axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in  Neither range




























The Z scale is v4.3 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define Z_VER_31 
Is it set to 0 or 1?






















#define Z_VER_31 is set to 0 which is correct for v4.3   

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct.  





























#define Z_VER_31 is set to 1 which is not correct. 

Change the 1 to a 0 (zero) then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 


























The Z scale is v3.1 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define Z_VER_31  
Is it set to 0 or 1?



































#define Z_VER_31 is set to 0 which is not correct for v3.1  

Change the 0 to a 1 then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 




























#define Z_VER_31 is set to 1 which is correct for v3.1  

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct. 
























The Z scale version is not yet verified, but there is another problem that must be resolved first. 

1. Recheck and verify the TouchDRO setting for CPI for the Z axis. It should be set to 10,000

2. Open up the Arduino sketch and find this line:  #define Z_ENABLED 

      Is it set to a 0 or is it set to 1?



























#define Z_ENABLED_ is set to 0 (zero) which is not correct.

1. Change the setting to 1 then save the changes and upload them to the MCU. 

2. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

3. Now you may
retest the Z axis




























#define Z_ENABLED_ is set to 1 which is correct. 
1. Move the table about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

2. Now you may
retest the Z axis































Z axis testing is complete.

All of the settings are correct and the Z axis should work properly.
















































W axis     

1. Verify that the W axis has been enabled in the settings of the TouchDRO applet.

2. Also make sure that the CPI setting is set to 10,000.

3. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
4. Now, move the W axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

5. You will see a number appear in the display for the W axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in 
Neither range




































W axis retest.

1. Go to the TouchDRO display screen and tap the 'zero set' key to zero out the display.  
2. Now, move the W axis 1.000" according to the dial next to the handwheel. If your machine has metric dials, you need to move 25.4mm.

3. You will see a number appear in the display for the W axis. Select the option that best describes that number.

The number is between .2500 and .2700      

The number is between .7650 and .7850          

The number is in  Neither range
































The W scale is v4.3 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define W_VER_31 
Is it set to 0 or 1?
































#define W_VER_31 is set to 0 which is correct for v4.3   

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct.  



































#define W_VER_31 is set to 1 which is not correct. 

Change the 1 to a 0 (zero) then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 


























The W scale is v3.1 

Open up the sketch in the Arduino IDE and find the line #define W_VER_31  
Is it set to 0 or 1?
































#define W_VER_31 is set to 0 which is not correct for v3.1  

Change the 0 to a 1 then save the sketch and upload it to the MCU. 




























#define W_VER_31 is set to 1 which is correct for v3.1  

This axis should work properly as its settings are correct. 






























The W scale version is not yet verified, but there is another problem that must be resolved first. Keep in mind that TouchDRO will not display a linear reading for the W axis independently unless it is being used with an encoder to display the angular readout of an indexing head or rotary table. For linear measure (such as the quill on the head of the mill) it must be added to another readout, which is usually Z. Thus, while doing any testing with the W axis, we must be sure to lock the axis that W is paired with, such as the frequently used knee on a vertical mill. Since we cannot make allowances for every possible configuration, we will pair the W axis with the Z axis here in our instructions. If you wish to pair with a different axis, you may do so, but will need to adjust for that difference on your own.

1. Go to TouchDRO > Settings > Enable W Axis and make sure the box is checkmarked.

2. Go to TouchDRO > Settings > W Axis Mode and set it to 'Add to Z readout'

3. Go to TouchDRO > Settings > Axis CPI and verify that it is set to 10,000

4. You can now return to the TouchDRO display screen.

5. Open up the Arduino sketch and find this line:  #define W_ENABLED 

      Is it set to a 0 or is it set to 1?




























#define W_ENABLED_ is set to 0 (zero) which is not correct.

1. Change the setting to 1 then save the changes and upload them to the MCU. 

2. Move the W axis about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

3. Now you should
retest the W axis





























#define W_ENABLED_ is set to 1 which is correct. 
1. Move the W axis about 2 inches from where you ran the last test.

2. Now you may
retest the W axis































W axis testing is complete.

All of the settings are correct and the W axis should work properly.











































































More Scales to troubleshoot? 

Do you have more scales to troubleshoot? 

         YES    NO










































Log a Support Request

Your problem does not appear to be in the settings within the sketch or within TouchDRO.

We recommend that you log your problem as a message on the Google Group that we have set up for support issues.
Click here to be taken to the support page.












































End Troubleshooting   

You have completed all of the troubleshooting exercises and your scales should all be reading correctly.

You should now calibrate your scales as directed on the
Test & Calibration page.

































Top of Page

X Axis

Y Axis

Z Axis

W Axis


We are sorry, but you have reached the end of the page. This page happens to be situated right at one end of the earth, right next to one of the farthest corners of the earth. So, if you go any further, you will fall off the edge of the earth. Don't do that. You cannot use your DRO when you are doomed to fall into eternity, screaming like a little girl the whole time. You will also get very hungry. There are no restaurants or food stands along the eternal fallway. If you happen to fall, it is a good idea to keep your composure and use your best manners as you will eventually encounter people that fell into the Bottomless Pit as well as other hapless adventurers that were missing around next to the edge. At least then you will have someone that can scream along with you, or you could aggressively scream AT your new aquaintance, not that it will do you any good. If your name is Mitch, you can start the "Scream Along with Mitch" show. You will not run into your friends that were tossed into the Gorge of Eternal Peril, however, as it does have a bottom. It is not a pleasant place, but at least it has a bottom. Oh, and while you are falling, keep your eyes peeled for Jimmy Hoffa and offer him a drink if you happen to have a flask with you. He's been falling for a very long time now and is probably getting a touch thirsty. I am told that he also has an extreme liking for Rice Krispie bars. You might want to offer him one if you happen to have one in your pocket. On second thought, don't do that. They have a terrible habit of attracting lint, and you will want to retain all the lint you can. It is excellent for starting fires, you know, especially if you have a flint and steel or one of those fire piston thing-a-ma-bobs. Hey! There's a novel idea! You could make a fire piston on your lathe! Of course, you won't be able to do that if you fall off the earth, unless you happen to have your lathe with you, and who carries a lathe around with them anyway? I carry a pocket knife, but it doesn't work very well for cutting metal, unless you are talking about brass shim stock or aluminum cans. It cuts that stuff like butter! Oh, butter!! Now I am getting hungry. I better go get something to eat, I just need to be careful here so I don't fall off the ed-





















































































































































































~ splat ~