About Terry


To make a long story short, I like to design, build, and tinker with things. All sorts of things. I make my living by driving truck and operating heavy equipment, though I did go back to school and work in the computer industry for a few years until it burnt me out. The stress levels are MUCH better as a result of getting out of that business and back to what I know, too.

I tried to quit smoking a number of times over the years but was never successful until Valentine's Day 2009, and I am very glad that I did. It is probably one of the best things I've ever done. It was difficult to do, but it was very worthwhile. The money I used to spend on cigarettes now supports my hobby of machining various small projects and also pays for a vacation trip every year. Excellent trade off in my book! 

I used to be a member of a web based hobby machinist community called The Hobby-Machinist. Over time I found that forums are a HUGE time sink. You spend hours on end reading and answering posts by other members, and even more time writing up and posting your own projects, then answering myriad questions about them. Forums can be an excellent resource, but they tend to have an over abundance of internal drama, not to mention that time spent there is time lost in the shop! I now spend more of my time working on projects in my shop and less time in the various forums. This should allow me more time to post things here and maybe even get started with some videos about some of my projects. 

I do have a YouTube channel with a small handfull of videos posted, some from my trips out west and some from some local tractor pulls that my son participated in. Given some time I would like to post some videos on some beginner projects. Hopefully I can do something like that in the near future. Here is a link to my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZrY8btKbhE0yNW_58-y6LQ?view_as=subscriber

Not much else to add for now, but if I think of something worth adding here, I will do so.

Thanks for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy it.
