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Here you can download a few things you may find useful. Feel free to download any of them and make use of them as you see fit.
DISCLAIMER: Use of the resources available on this page are at the risk of the user. The publishers of this site, including 4-H, University of Minnesota Extension, Scott County 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife, or any of its leaders are not responsible for any damages or injuries arising from the use of any of these resources. By downloading any of the items from this page, the user accepts all risks involved with their use.
We have had quite a few requests for copies of the record keeping form that we issue to our members. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it is easy to use. At the beginning of the project year, a sheet is issued to each member, and they are asked to keep it with their Advancement Guides in their shooting bags so that they always have them along when they come to Shooting Sports. When a member attends one of our regular or special shooting/wildlife events, they enter the date and mark the number of hours attended in the appropriate column. A Shooting Sports coach is then asked to sign off on that line.
Use of this form has greatly streamlined our record keeping efforts especially when calculating participation hours in a particular discipline in order to determine eligibility for events at the State Shoot. Due to the number of requests for that form from other counties, we have made it available here in an Adobe Acrobat format. To download and save the file, right click on the download link and select "Save Target As..." You will then be allowed to choose a location where you wish to save the file. Once you have saved the file you can easily open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
We have developed a simple tool constructed of PVC pipe that is used in teaching our newer members how to use peep sights. Due to interest by other clubs, we have made the plans for this tool available here in a Word document. It includes a list of materials, dimensions, and instructions for construction and proper use of the tool. Right click on the link below and select "Save Target As..." then choose where you wish to save the file on your computer.
We can't necessarily lay claim to the origin of this one, but feel that it is well worth sharing with others. It is a simple shooting accuracy game utilizing pellet rifles and peppermint Lifesavers. The kids have a ball with this one, and even though it may seem impossible to accomplish, we have had a few of our shooters succeed at this. The instructions, rules, and scoring that we use are available in the Adobe Acrobat document available in the link below.
Download LifesaversShootingGame.pdf